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Pomôžte zmeniť Vše mesto. Práve teraz máte možnosť vyjadriť sa k atraktívnosti verejných priestorov, doprave, zeleni v meste a bezpečnosti. Ktoré priestory sa Vám páčia? Kde máte problémy s bicyklovaním? V ktorej oblasti je dostatok kvalitnej zelene? Kde sa necítite bezpečne?
22. 07. 2010
Celkový počet hlasov: 668
Považujete proces schvaľovania územnoplánovacej dokumentácie a Zmien a doplnkov za dostatočne pružný?
72 Hour Urban Action Project is an international rapid architecture and design festival. It is defined by community needs, an extreme deadline, a tight budget and limited space.
We invite teams of architects, students, designers, artists and craftspeople to respond to community needs and wants in relation to its public spaces.
Selected teams will have three days and three nights to plan and realize their projects in response to missions assigned to them on takeoff day. Selected projects will remain on site permanently.
A professional jury will select a team to win the first prize.
72 Hour Urban Action will take place in Bat-Yam, Israel as part of the Bat-Yam Biennale of Landscape Urbanism.
Apply by August 8st, 2010 | Takeoff on Biennale Launch, September 25th, 2010
Teams and individuals are invited to apply
THE COMPETITION 10 Teams | 10 Missions | 1 Camp | 1 Prize | 72 Hours to Design and Realize
YOU GET Up to $ 2,500 for Materials | Central prefabrication camp | Sleeping Accommodations | Food | ‚Angels‘ Team: Construction and Safety Engineers | Truck | Documentation Fun | Fame | Fortune (1st prize $3,800)
The Bat-Yam Biennale of Landscape Urbanism | Timing 2010
Roadwork, construction, renovation, paving, roads closed for resurfacing…
urban space is a constantly shifting entity. While the permanent
„flexibility“ of urban reality allows for dynamic evolution, it also lends a
sense of uncertainty to everyday life. The 2010 Bat-Yam Biennale invites
projects that examine the city’s “flexible” nature in relation to both
infrastructures and resources, offering innovative uses for spaces that are
under construction, transforming them into functional, temporal urban
The City of Bat-Yam is located south of Tel Aviv–Jaffa. West of Holon and
north of Rishon Le'Zion. To its west is the Mediterranean Sea. The population of
Bat-Yam counts 160,000 residents on 8 Square Kilometers (3 Square Miles) in
the Heart of the Gush Dan metropolitan area.
The population of the city is a rich multi-cultural mix of immigrants and native Israelis, secular and religious people from a variety of backgrounds. The sea and the cultural diversity are two major components of Bat-Yam from its early days up to now.
Kerem Halbrecht, Festival Architect
Kerem Halbrecht, architect and social developer living and working in Tel Aviv–Jaffa, Israel. The editor of “Pigumim, a monthly lecture on Architecture and People”. Curated architectural exhibitions and designed projects in Israel and abroad. he is the architect and managing partner at the Spaceship.
The Spaceship is an independent collaborative group aiming to create and promote new, unorthodox and open platforms for cultural activities. It seek to explore the viability and changing nature of public space within the constrains of an increasingly privatized world. The spaceship operates a physical space in Tel Aviv-Jaffa used as a place of hosting, living and working.
Ruth Efroni, Associate developer
Ruth Efroni, news editor and documentary film and TV producer and writer. Since 2007 she is the executive producer of the 48 Hour Film Project in Israel. Lives and works in Rehovot.
For more information:
Michal Rubinstein | Project Coordinator | +972.54.6521421 |
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